Well, hello. It's 2018 now, and we've finally started thinking about talking about going about the process of making a new record! It's only been, oh, a decade or so since the last one? I'm pretty much done writing the songs, but I need to step back now, look at the group holistically, and see what's missing that I still might need to say. Of course, for me, that process is about as fun as a root canal. But I know I'll be happy when I'm on the other side of it. Everyone says that it's not important to make a "record" anymore; that people just put out songs now. I just don't think that's my bag, and I really want to hold a vinyl RT album in my hands. You may or may not know that my husband and bass player Scott Anthony and I run Storybook Sound, a mastering studio (with mixing and recording on the side) here in NJ. Scott is an amazing mastering engineer with an incredible ear. After a bananas construction project that involved me watching in terror as cement poured through the laundry room window, cruising Etsy for vintage sconces, and commissioning my mother-in-law to sew bathroom curtains, we now have a beautiful and cozy updated studio in what was once our basement...it even has a bar if you want to have a rumchata with us. I've still been playing every couple of months, in NJ or Manhattan at various locales. The latest band lineup includes stellar guitarists John Sharples and Rich Feridun, and legendary drummer Sim Cain.
P.S., I'd also like to let you know about 2 other cool performance series I help out with out here in convenient and cool Essex County, NJ: the Saturday Afternoon Song Swap, which I run with the amazing Deena Shoshkes, and Banjo Lisa's House Concerts, run by the lovely former proprietress of Banjo Jim's, my favorite East Village hangout ever. Well, I also loved Hi-Fi, R.I.P., but I hear Coney Island Baby is great! And of course, Scott helps out on sound at Rent Party, the live music series that helps fight hunger, which happens here in Maplewood, at the glorious Woodland hall. I did a cool holiday show there in December that I hope to repeat! So, there's a decent amount going on! To get in touch, email rebeccamo34@gmail.com.
xo xo rt